Five Fashion Goals to Set for the New Year

January is all about setting goals, trying new things, and setting yourself up for success in the new year. It’s easy to set health or business goals, but don’t forget about setting fashion goals, too! The way you dress can have a huge impact on how you feel and what you are able to get done through the day. Don’t believe us? For one week, get dressed in some of your favorite pieces and see how things go. We guarantee you’ll feel your best, just by intentionally getting dressed in things you feel confident in. Now, let's talk about some fashion goal ideas that you could set this year to help you embrace your style!

  • Find a Fail-Safe Outfit Formula. This one is going to save you so much time and headache for the days you’re running late, or just feeling a little overwhelmed by your closet, while still helping you intentionally get dressed every day. Figure out what is most flattering, and most appropriate for your day-to-day activities. You could start by just looking at your favorite outfit to wear and break it down from there. This could be a fitted dress or maxi dress with a cardigan, or it could be a t-shirt and jeans combo. Whatever it is, break it down into the essential pieces so that you can recreate it with different pieces over and over again! Then, when you’re feeling uninspired, you will know what to grab to create an outfit that you still feel good in!
  • Set a Goal to Take More Style Risks. It can be easy to stick to what you know, but how are you ever going to find something you love if you don’t step out of your comfort zone a little? Depending on your personality, commit to taking one fashion risk either monthly or weekly. Try a new denim style or branch out with a bold color scheme or trend. It could be as simple as wearing an accessory you’ve always wanted to try but were a little intimidated by (like a felt brim hat!) We know that you will look amazing in whatever risk you embrace and are here to cheer you on.
  • Clean Out & Organize. Messy and overfilled closets can be overwhelming. If your closet is stuffed with clothes and a disaster, you’re probably not feeling excited to get dressed every day. First, take everything out, and then go through it separating it into keep piles and donate piles. Then, figure out how you want to reorganize your closet to best fit your needs. If you need help organizing, you can find our tips here! 
  • Invest in Good Essentials. You can create so many different, stunning outfits by starting with the basics. A good bodysuit and a pair of really good-fitting jeans, paired with a trendy shacket or quilted jacket can create one stunning outfit that can be adjusted slightly every day with an outfit formula. We have some of the best basics that can be found here! Our favorites include pocket tees, reversible tanks, and slipettes!
  • Learn How to Dress Your Body Type. This one is a life-saver and probably one of the best goals you could set if you want to take your style to a new level. Learning how to dress for your body type will make shopping so much easy. You can take out a lot of guesswork when shopping online when you know what flatters and highlights your best features. Remember, body type doesn’t mean you can’t wear what you don’t like - it just helps you figure out how to balance the pieces you love so that you feel confident and put together!

  • What fashion goals are you going to set for yourself this year?